Concentration is a word which is most required in each and every one's life in any matter.
here is one in respect of a sport.
I am a State Qualified Cricket Umpire from Karnataka.
I was officiating as umpire in a match between BUCC and Socials during 80's which is a major tournament conducted by The State Cricket Association.
Mr.Rahul Dravid and his friend Mr.Fazal Khaleel were batting with Rahul Dravid being Striker. I was at the Striker's end ( Square Leg end Umpire ).
During those days an umpire was counting the balls bowled either with marble or coins. I was using one rupee coin to count. Those days umpires were in the habit of wearing white coat too with big pockets. i was putting coins from right pocket to left pocket. Every time i put the coin, light sound was coming.
Suddenly Mr. Rahul Dravid who was the striker, came to me and politely requested me that he is hearing that sound which is disturbing his concentration. I was bit surprised and at the same time i was bit happy to about him regarding his concentration as well mine to improve the same in my umpiring career.
Today the same player has earned world record in the same game with high concentration.
Congrats Mr. Rahul Dravid.
Courtsey : Mr. Nagraj Sanameshwar, Karnataka State Cricket Association's qualified Umpire and Scorer on BCCI panel
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